Artist’s Statement

If the beauty of life is a no-brainer for you,
you have found a good place.
The website showcases the extraordinary nature
of our daily physical world portrayed in plain,
almost minimalist imagery.

My aptitude to use artistic/creative/inner understanding
and to validate it as a complimentary partner
of rational skill and clarity has proved to be amazingly fulfilling.
In a place where life and work refuse to be two separate things,
I create because I can.

Along with an affinity for a number of disciplines,
my creative walk has grown to be a consistent adherence
to a non-linear script. The resulting lifetime of inquiry, discoveries and wonder
has started to be, and to produce straightforward artistic expression.

Shot in the immediacy of life, the photos have no symbolic or storytelling intentions.
Things that appear in the prints are presented for the beauty of their appearance,
their presence.

With its unconditional support of countless personal realities,
its mind blowing beauty and its inescapable tangibility that makes our individual lives
such a convincing and unique experience, the wonder of existence
has never dulled my sense of inquiry, and it keeps inspiration daily fresh.

I love it when my work makes you feel good or brings you in touch with something
that you value and appreciate.
What any specific image may mean to you and what you can see in it
I regard as your freedom and privilege.
I have no intention to make a particular impression through what I create.
My prints are made to be a living part of people’s lives/living spaces,
not some wall-facing tombstone in a private collection.

Short stories of how the images came to be are given in the shop descriptions.
Sometimes, instead of a travel story, I present an afterthought. Associations
triggered by the materialized print.

Final thoughts
Perhaps my artist statement is found in the activity of my work itself.
It takes place in a general spirit that life -as it actually is- is right as rain.
I’d like to think that my work hums a gratitude for our capacity to discover this for ourselves.
Any stillness in the images is a byproduct of shooting a world that exists before words come in.

So there it is I guess, vision distilled into statement.

Enjoy your stay and thank you for reading.


FYI: under the menu tab ‘work’ I alternate free styling work that is not specifically shot to be printed.

UPDATE: I am planning projects where a set of images is focused on a particular theme.
Perhaps such projects will be made available as boxed sets of prints, I am not sure yet.

IN GENERAL: Let me know if you think there is something that I could do for you,
I give many things a try.